Your team is Mr Newton, Mrs Evans,
Mr Ormondroyd and Mrs Beever.
We hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and that your child is ready to have some fun and work hard!
This letter will contain our weekly routines. If you have any further questions, please pop in after school.
Every morning will start with the pupils putting their coat on their named peg, placing packed lunches on the trolley, changing their home school reading book and sitting down to work on their wake up brain task.This will be displayed on the board.
Wild walk
Please provide suitable wild walk clothing each Tuesday. This consists of outdoor clothing and wellies.
Please provide a P.E kit for every Tuesday and Thursday with Mr. Smith.
Class Assembly
Keep an eye on the school diary as this year your child will be taking part in a very special class assembly. This assembly will celebrate the amazing work and achievements of year 2!
Big write
Friday is very important, as each week your child will take part in Big Write. This is where we can monitor the progress of your child in writing. It consists of fun writing activities but your child must complete the task independently. It is incredible to see the children develop in this activity throughout the year.
Spelling quiz/ Mental maths quiz.
These very short quizzes will take place every Friday and will track the development of spelling and your child’s mathematical ability.
Any trips, events and messages will be placed on the Year 2 website and copies of letters will be displayed on the class window, to keep you up to date daily of the events in Year 2. Why not follow us on Twitter?@WMPrimary
We look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please can you make sure that you ask your child what our class rules are so that we can work together with the same expectations. Drop in after school if you have any problems.
Thank you for your co – operation,
The year 2 team.
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