British Values
Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK. These values are Democracy; Respect for the rule of law; Individual liberty; and mutual respect and tolerance.
What are the British Values?
Democracy is the foundation of the UK's political system. This British value is based on the idea that everyone should have an equal say in how their country is run, and that the government should be accountable to the people. Children learn about the voting system, how governments are formed and how the British political system works and also compare this to other countries both now and in the past.
- Respect for the rule of law
Respect for the rule of law means that everyone in society is treated equally and fairly, and that everyone follows the same rules and laws. This value promotes a sense of order and stability in society and helps to prevent crime and other harmful behaviours. The UK justice system is a large part of this, including laws, police officers and courts. Children learn about the police and emergency services, how to stay safe, rules and laws and consequences for actions and behaviours.
- Individual liberty
Individual liberty allows people to pursue their own goals and interests, providing they do not harm others. This British value is based on the idea that people should be free to make their own decisions and choices within the bounds of the law, of course. Children learn about freedom of speech and freedom of choice and how this may have been different in the past.
- Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs both promotes understanding and acceptance of people from different backgrounds and cultures and with different beliefs, and helps to create a more inclusive and diverse society. Children learn about different religions and cultures; about the protected characteristics and celebrating difference and diversity in all aspects of life.
How do we teach British Values?
The British Values are taught in class as part of our Personal Development Curriculum using 1Decision. Children learn about living in our world; staying safe, being responsible and taking responsibility; helping others; inclusion and acceptance; adult and children’s views; the law; democracy; mutual respect and tolerance for others; and the protected characteristics.
We create links between our Personal Development curriculum and other areas of the curriculum when teaching British Values. In Religious Education we teach all of the main World Religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism) including opportunities for our children to visit different places of worship and have visitors into school.
Through our P4C (Philosophy for Children) lessons, we provide opportunities for our children to explore different viewpoints, current affairs and global events. We provide pupils with the knowledge, structure and skills to express their own viewpoint and to listen to and consider the views of others.
How do we embed British Values in School Life?
We also develop our pupils’ understanding of British Values in a range of extra-curricular ways which enrich our core curriculum. Collective Worship is based upon our School Values:
We Are Kind
We Show Respect
We Are Proud
We Have High Aspirations
We Are Family
We Are Happy
Through these values we explore themes such as different cultures and beliefs, democracy, following rules, freedom of speech, Pride, diversity, Black History Month and human rights.
We also believe firmly in ensuring that our children have a voice within our school community and have established a Student leadership programme in order to support them with this. Pupils take on positions of responsibility as House Captains, School Council, Eco Council, Reading Ambassadors, Maths Champions and Sports and Playground leaders. Children learn about democracy in action when voting for those who will represent their voice.
Our Behaviour Policy also further develops our children’s understanding of the importance of following our shared School Rules and supporting others to do the same.