Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
My Name is Mrs Kelda Evans and I have been teaching for 30 years with experience in inner city schools of Birmingham to the rural schools of North Wales. I lead R.E, SMSC, PSHE and the outdoor curriculum here at West Meadows. I am passionate about teaching the children about the wonderful world around them and developing an understanding of the different faiths that make our world so special.
Our Curriculum – An Overview
Below is a summary of the areas of learning for Year 3. More detailed information can be found on our curriculum pages.
Throughout the year, we will read various texts which form an important part of our studies in reading comprehension and writing. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Stig of the Dump and Charlotte’s Web, Return to Roar, The Worst Class in the World and A Pinch of Magic.
Our writing curriculum is largely linked to our class texts. We will cover a wide range of genres including character/setting descriptions, information texts, poetry and biographies.
In maths we will cover:
Place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, length and perimeter, shape, measurement, mass and capacity, time, money and statistics.
Science - Animals Including humans, Forces and magnets, rocks and soils, light and plants.
History – The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and Ancient Egypt.
Geography – The United Kingdom, Rivers and Belfast and Paris, Marvellous Maps (fieldwork).
Art and Design – Painting, Drawing and Printing.
Design and Technology – Textiles, Structures and Food/Nutrition.
PE- Hockey, Bench Ball, Gymnastics
RE- Hindu Dharma, Christianity, The Way of the Buddha, The Islamic, Sikh Dharam and the Jewish Faith
Computing – Systems/networks, creating media, programming and sequencing, data and information, desktop publishing, programming events and actions in programs.
Music – Let Your Spirit Fly RnB and other styles, Glockenspiel Stage 1 Exploring & developing playing skills, Three Little Birds Reggae and animals, The Dragon Song- Music from around the world, celebrating our differences and being kind to one another, Bringing Us Together Disco, friendship, hope, and unity and Reflect, Rewind & Replay – The history of music.
PSHE – Feelings and Emotions, Being Responsible, Computer Safety, Our World, Relationships, Hazards
French – greetings, numbers, colours, classroom commands, calendar, celebrations, animals, carnival, Easter time, fruits and vegetables.
P.E days -Tuesday and Friday.
Library Day – Wednesday.
Reading Records – We will check and stamp reading records every Friday.