Year 1
The class teachers enjoy getting to work with all the students. Mrs Copley's favourite subjects to teach are Maths and English.
Our curriculum – An Overview
Below is a summary of the areas of learning for children in Year 1. More detailed information can be found on our curriculum pages.
Our reading texts this year are Funny Bones, Ruby's Worry, Where the Wild Things Are, A Squash and a Squeeze, Greta and the Giants, The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch.
In writing we will focus on the understanding and application of capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and correctly formed handwriting. Furthermore, we will implement our phonic knowledge to support our spelling. All of these key areas will aid us in developing our ability to hold and write correctly written sentences.
In mathematics we will cover:
Previous learning from F2. Comparison of quantities and part-whole relationships, numbers 0-5, 2D and 3D shapes, Numbers 0-10, additive structures, addition and subtraction facts within 10, numbers 0-20, unitising and coin recognition, position and direction and time.
Animals including humans, Everyday Materials, Plants.
Foundation subjects
History – Queen Elizabeth II and Local History of Hoyland and Barnsley.
Geography – Continents, Countries and Capital Cities, Our Local Area, What's the difference? Kibera and Hoyland, Fieldwork - Out and About, Out and About Mapwork.
Art and Design – Painting, Drawing and Sculpture.
Design Technology – Structures, Mechanisms and Food.
PE – Ball skills, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Bat and Striking and Fielding.
RE – Hindu Dharma, Christianity, the way of the Buddha, the Islamic, Sikh Dharam and the Jewish Faith
Computing – Computer Systems and Networks, creating media - digital painting, Programming - Moving a Robot, Data and Information, Creating Media and Programming Animations.
Music – Hip hop, Rhythm, Different Styles of Music, Round and Round, Your Imagination and Reflect, Rewind, Replay.
Useful information
Please note that our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please bring both indoor and outdoor kit.
Reading records will be sent home to log reading at home. Please return these daily so we can record 1:1 reading in school.