Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

Is your child eligible?

Primary schools are given a pupil premium for:


  • Pupils in Reception to Year 6 who are currently entitled to, or have been entitled to in the last 6 years, a free school meal
  • Looked-after children
  • Previously looked-after children who have been adopted, or who have a special guardianship order or child arrangements order in place
  • Service children

Research shows that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. The pupil premium provides important support to contribute to the attainment of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

At West Meadows Primary School, we want all of our pupils to achieve and experience successes in all aspects of their life. Disadvantage is not a barrier to achievement and Pupil Premium funding is used to effectively diminish differences and accelerate progress to support high aspirations for all. Our aim is that there be no difference in the achievements, academic or otherwise, between any groups of our pupils and to do this, we aim to ensure that all of our pupils have access to high quality teaching of a progressively challenging, broad and balanced curriculum.

We use a tiered approach to the planning and implementation of our Pupil Premium Strategy, considering how to improve quality first teaching in the classroom; specific or targeted strategies for cohorts, groups or individuals; and wider strategies. Our aim in doing so is to address the barriers to learning and progress that we identify for our disadvantaged pupils at West Meadows Primary, selecting a small and focused number of strategies that we identify will have the greatest impact upon our pupils.

We aim to ensure that our Pupil Premium Strategy underpins and enhances the school’s overall strategic aims and planning. We review and report termly to the Governing Body the use and impact of the Pupil Premium grant.

For current priorities based on our pupils’ current needs are outlined in the below tiered model approach:

Our current and previous academic years’ Pupil Premium Strategy can be found below:

West Meadows Pupil Premium Strategy 24-25

West Meadows Pupil Premium Strategy 23-24

West Meadows Pupil Premium Strategy 22-23