Our Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs K Jobling.

Phone: 01226 749164

Welcome to our special educational needs (SEN) information area of our school website. The aim of this area is to explain how the staff at West Meadows Primary are able to support children with special educational needs and disabilities.

We are an inclusive school and believe that all children should be valued and treated with respect. The school uses its best endeavours to ensure that the provision for all its pupils is of the highest possible standard, whilst acknowledging that we are continually striving to improve our practice. We are committed to providing quality first teaching to all pupils and make reasonable adjustments, where necessary, to enable all pupils to make the best possible progress. We are dedicated to narrowing the attainment gap between children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their peers without.

For the following information, please read our SEND information report attached below.

  • What kinds of SEND are provided for?
  • How does the school identify pupils with SEND?
  • What are the stages of SEND?
  • How school’s resources/funding are allocated and matched to children’s needs?
  • What are the different types of support available for children with SEND at West Meadows Primary School
  • What support is available for improving the social, emotional and mental health of children with SEND?
  • What are your school’s admission arrangements for pupils with SEND?
  • Who are the best people to talk to in school about my child’s difficulties with learning and SEND?
  • Who are the people providing services to children with SEND and their families?
  • How does the school involve children and parents/carers of children with SEND?
  • How does the school enable pupils with SEND to engage in activities available to those in the school who do not have SEND?
  • What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils’ progress towards outcomes?
  • How will we support your child when they are leaving this school or moving on to another class?
  • How are the teachers in school helped to work with children with SEND and what training do they have?
  • How is West Meadows accessible to children with SEND?
  • What should I do if I have a complaint about the SEND provision made at the school?
  • How can I find out about additional provision for children with SEND in and around Barnsley?

SEND Policy reviewed Sept 2024

SEND Information report 2024

Weste Meadows Primary School Accessibility Plan January 2024-2026