Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!
The Year 6 teacher is Mr Naylor and the teaching assistant is Miss Penman. As well as class teacher, Mr Naylor leads English, P4C and French. 
Our curriculum – An  Overview
 Below is a summary of the areas of learning for children in Year 6. More detailed information can be found on our curriculum pages.
Our reading texts this year are Holes, Wonder and The Nowhere Emporium. We also use non-fiction and poetry texts to help support our reading and writing curriculum. 
Some of our writing will be linked to our class texts. We will cover a wide range of genres including character/setting descriptions, explanation texts, biographies and poetry.
In mathematics we will cover:
Place value, the four operations, fractions, converting units of measure, ratio, algebra, decimals, fractions decimals percentages, area, perimeter, volume,  statistics, shape and position and direction. 
Electricity, light, animals including humans, living things and their habitats, and evolution and inheritance. 
Foundation subjects
History – Ancient Greece and slavery/the Civil Rights Movement. 
Geography – South America, world trade and map field work. 
Art and Design – Painting (Amy Sherald), drawing (Jean Michel Basquiat) and sculpture (Richard Deacon). 
Design Technology – Mechanisms, textiles and food. 
French - Revisiting me, homes and houses, investigating sports, at the fun fair, cafe culture and performance. 
PE – Netball, tag rugby, gymnastics, dance, cricket and athletics. 
RE – Hindu Dharma, Christianity, the way of the Buddha, the Islamic, Sikh Dharam and the Jewish Faith.
PSHE - Feelings and emotions, being responsible/keeping healthy, computer safety, the working world, a world without judgement, growing and changing. 
Computing – computer systems and networks, media, programming, data and information.
Music – Pop/Neo Soul, Jazz, improvisation and composition, Classical, 70s Ballard and Pop, Classical. We will also create our own music inspired by our own identity.
Useful information
Please note that our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please bring both indoor and outdoor kit.
Reading records will be sent home to log reading at home. Please return these on Thursday each week. 
Homework is sent out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. 

World Book Day Readers

Year 6 are very busy honing their mathematical skills in the form of long division practise....

Wonderful Readers

Year 6 have recently been looking at the text Wonder. Today they have looked at the character Via...

Amazing Authors

  Year 6 have been writing letters in English this week. They are taking on the role of a famous...


In Literacy…

…we are studying letter writing. Our task is to write a letter from the perspective of a...

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Super Scientists

To ensure we hit the ground running in January, Year 6 have made a head start on their new Science...

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Speech! Speech!

We have recently been creating some persuasive speeches to convince our classmates that we should...

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Week 1 Cricket 2021

  We don’t like cricket, WE LOVE IT! Thanks to the Yorkshire Cricket Board, we have enjoyed some brilliant sessions in school with Coach Ronnie. Enjoy some action right here.

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Thinking Stars

What a wonderful enquiry! This morning we watched an animation of the wonderful story The Giving...

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