Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

 The year 5 class teacher is Mrs Walton and Miss Taylor is our class Teaching Assistant.

Mrs Walton teaches her class Tuesday to Friday, and Mrs Sutton teaches them on a Monday.

Mrs Walton’s favourite subjects to teach are Maths, science, art and geography. Mrs Walton enjoys music concerts and reading children’s books to recommend to her class. Miss Taylor enjoys working within the classroom and supporting children1-1 and in small groups. Miss Taylor also loves walking, and spending time with her family.

Our Curriculum

Below in an overview of the areas of learning for children in Year 5.  More detailed information can be found on our school’s website on our curriculum pages.


Our reading texts this year are: The boy at the back of the class, Pig Heart boy and Letters from the lighthouse.


Some of our writing will be linked to our class texts. We will cover a wide range of genres including, poetry, character/setting description, biographies and persuasive writing.


In mathematics we will cover: Place value to 1,000,000, addition and subtraction using the formal written method, multiplication and division, fraction, decimals and percentages, area, and perimeter, statistics, shape, position, and direction, negative numbers, converting units of measure and volume.


Living things and their habitats, Animals including humans, Forces and Earth and Space

Foundation subjects

History - Mining and World War 2

Geography - North America, The lakes, and changes to Barnsley and the UK

Art and Design - Painting – Realism, Drawing/ Photography, and printing.

Technology - Mechanisms, textiles and food.

PE - Football, tag rugby, gymnastics, Dance/yoga, cricket, swimming, and athletics.

RE – Hindu Dharma, Christianity, the way of the Buddha, Islam, Sikh Dharam, and the Jewish faith.

Computing- Computer systems, networks, media, programming, and data and information.

Music – Learning how to play the cornets

Useful information

Our PE days will be on Monday and Wednesday. Pleas make sure PE kits are in school for these days, and that all jewellery is taken off.

Reading records will be sent home weekly and MUST be brought into school every Friday as this is our class library slot. This will also allow adults to sign out new books.