We continue to have a number of pupils and staff testing positive for Covid 19 within school. The school remains open to all year groups, however in order to do this we have had to move some staff members to different classes this week. It is my hope that we can cover staffing shortages internally within school as I believe all of our children work better with a friendly face or two in class whenever possible. We would ask for your support, patience and understanding at the start and end of the day if there are new members of staff in your child’s class.
Due to a growing number of cases across school, I have sought advice from the Department of Education Covid-19 Helpline and attached is a letter from them for all parents. We continue to monitor our measures within school closely and currently have:
- Ensured all classrooms and work spaces are well ventilated
- Temporarily stopped assembly times
- Staggered lunchtimes with two classes currently eating dinner in their classrooms
- Continue to encourage regular hand washing and other hygiene measures throughout theday
- Grouped children at breakfast club into siblings or year groups
- One way system in the playground
We would also encourage regular testing using LFTs in order to help keep everyone safe. We would like to thank you for your continued support in this matter.
Many thanks Miss Marsh
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