At West Meadows Primary School, personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It allows children to understand how they develop personally and socially, and addresses any issues or questions that may arise during their formative years. We follow a broad approach to learning about the rights and responsibilities a 21st century member of society, allowing our children to develop their own views of modern society. We aim to encourage our children to begin to understand and secure a sense of self-worth and to lay a foundation of skills that will last a lifetime.
The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to children of all ages and academic ability with hopes of maximising knowledge and understanding. As a result of this, our children will become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. This will be implemented by creating a programme of study that is bespoke to our school and all our children. The two main core themes of our PSHE programme of study focuses on:
Relationships Education and Health Education.
A third core theme: Living in the Wider World is also an integral aspect of our curriculum.
Relationships Education:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
Health Education:
- Mental wellbeing
- Internet safety and harms
- Physical health and fitness
- Healthy eating
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
- Health and prevention
- Basic first aid
- Puberty
Through teaching PSHE under the new government guidelines and 1decision, we aim to provide an inclusive curriculum which will reflect our children’s increasing independence and physical and social awareness. It builds on the skills that pupils acquire during EYFS to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal and social safety, including online. PSHE shows Upper Key Stage 2 children how to cope with the body and mind changes of puberty and will cement skills learned to become a proactive member of 21st century society.
Teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage
PSHE in the Early Years Foundation Stage incorporates both physical and mental health development objectives that provide young children with activities and experiences to enrich their overall education.
These include:
- Health and self-care
- Managing feelings and behaviour
- Self-confidence and self-awareness
- Understanding the World
- Making relationships
Teaching PSHE in KS1
KS1 children will develop their PSHE understanding through the delivery of nine core themes:
- Keeping/ Staying Safe
- Feelings and Emotions
- Keeping/ Staying Healthy
- Computer Safety
- Relationships
- Our World
- Being Responsible
- Hazard Watch
- Fire Safety
Teaching PSHE in KS2
KS2 children will develop their PSHE understanding through the delivery of eight core themes:
- Keeping/ Staying Safe
- Feelings and Emotions
- Keeping/ Staying Healthy
- Computer Safety
- Growing and Changing
- Working World
- Being Responsible
- A World without judgement
At West Meadows, PSHE is taught as a stand-alone subject. However, some topics within are cross-curricular, for example:
- Computer Safety (ICT)
- Keeping/ Staying Healthy (PE and Science)
Our school values, assemblies (virtual included), weekly picture news and real – life opportunities/ scenarios reinforce the PSHE curriculum and embed children’s learning.
PSHE is taught weekly for a minimum of one hour and are pre and post assessed at the beginning and end of each block of lessons.
September 2020 saw PSHE become compulsory in all schools in England, bringing along statutory changes that we as a school must implement (please see below regarding statutory changes).
To ensure maximum coverage, staff are trained, observed and receive a half termly constructive book scrutiny from the PSHE subject leader and the school’s curriculum lead. If you would like anymore information regarding our PSHE Curriculum then please contact our PSHE Lead, Mr David Mitchell d.mitchell@smat.org.uk
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