It has been an amazingly busy and creative week at West Meadows Primary School with our annual Arts Week taking place all over the school. The week culminated with a hugely successful exhibition of our wonderful work throughout our Key Stage 2 corridor. The theme this year was South America…

We have had a host of professionals in our school who worked with classes right from Foundation to Year 6 who taught us a range of traditional dances including Samba and Zumba!


The children loved using their creative skills to make a range of wonderful creations during art week. They make a collage of the Christ The Redeemer. They made their own rainforest animals and used their handprints to make the grass and they used tea bags to make the buildings look old for Machu Pichu.

They all also loved joining in with the samba drumming and the dancing.

We had a fantastic week!


Year 1

In Year 1 the children loved the work based around our South American Arts week, they made their own carnival masks…


As well as sculpting Christ the Redeemer out of clay…look how amazing our sculptures are…



The Year 1 children also learnt lots about the famous artist Romeo Britto and used his work to inspire their own artwork…

Year 2

In Year 2 the children loved the work based around our South American Arts week and learnt lots about the history of the carnival in Brazil then designed their very own costumes



The children continued with the theme of Mardi Gras and then designed their own masks which could be used during the carnival…look how amazing they are!

The children also enjoyed a visit from a specialist who taught them all about Brazil and they even had the opportunity to do some Brazilian drumming…

Year 3

In Year 3 the children learnt all about the famous artist Romeo Britto and created their own work in the style of him, they used bright colours and their own designs to make them unique to them…

he children also had fun learning about different Samba music and even created their own song

Year 4

In Year 4 the theme of our Creative Arts week was Brazil.  We began by using atlases and the internet to research some facts about this country.

We had a wonderful Samba drumming session and we learned how to create music as a team.

We learnt some fabulous Samba dancing.

We even had the opportunity to create our very own Carnival costumes. Look how amazing our work is…

Year 5

In Year 5 the children thoroughly enjoyed the South American Arts week and began their journey by learning all about the Mayan calendar. We used this as inspiration for our very own artwork…

We continued our journey by learning all about Zumba and learnt some amazing dance routines…

We also really enjoyed our visit from a specialist who taught us lots of percussion and traditional music…

Year 6

In Year 6 we firstly learnt all about the geography of Brazil by taking an atlas quiz. We loved working in pairs to locate and share our knowledge…

As part of Creative Arts Week, Year 6 analysed the work of Torres Garcia, who used symbology and the bold colours of Mondrian in his artwork. Year 6 then went on to create some fantastic pieces of work inspired by Garcia!