Class Two have all enjoyed learning about the Titanic. We have used the text, Tom’s Titanic as a stimulus for our literacy work. We have been busy writing a character and setting description along with a retell of the story. We have played memory games to learn the different parts of the Titanic. The children also enjoyed creating a poster to advertise all the facilities onboard the Titanic. In Science we have been learning about Everyday materials and the children have had fun investigating which materials are absorbent and which are waterproof. They further wrote up their investigation. In addition, we have been learning how to keep safe online. The children have made a poster and information leaflet. In maths we have been learning how to add and subtract using the column method. The children have worked so hard to ensure they worked carefully to complete their calculations, especially when exchanging the ten. Super work Class Two! You are all doing brilliantly.
Titanic Historians

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