Recently, we have been learning all about a very important figure in history that was born in our very own town… BARNSLEY! James Hudson Taylor was a missionary that took the Christian faith to China. Year 5 visited the Emmanuel Church in Barnsley to learn all about James Hudson Taylor’s life and about how he adopted the Chinese culture. From fan making to clay pottery… Chinese writing…to green tea drinking…super singing to eating popcorn with chopsticks… a great day was had by all.
Recently, we have been learning all about a very important figure in history that was born in our very own town… BARNSLEY! James Hudson Taylor was a missionary that took the Christian faith to China. Year 5 visited the Emmanuel Church in Barnsley to learn all about James Hudson Taylor’s life and about how he adopted the Chinese culture. From fan making to clay pottery… Chinese writing…to green tea drinking…super singing to eating popcorn with chopsticks… a great day was had by all
Y5 are walking on a LIFEPATH!