At West Meadows Primary School Physical Education and Sports enables our children to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can help build a lifetime of healthy habits and participation in sports. Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people, including physical health and mental wellbeing. It helps to increase self-esteem and emotional wellbeing as well as lowering anxiety and depression. Ensuring that pupils have access to enough daily activity has wider benefits for pupils. Children who take part in physical activity are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers, it also improves behaviour and enhances academic achievement.
At West Meadows Primary school, we aim to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for mental, social, emotional and physical wellbeing in our children now and for their future. We aim to do this through a broad and balanced curriculum focussing on the development of the whole person. We aim to deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical activities. In line with the delivery of ‘British Values’ we want to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.
Pupils at West Meadows Primary School participate in weekly PE and sporting activities. PE is further supplemented in all year groups with after school clubs delivered by our Sports Leader. This works alongside our healthy eating and gender-neutral sports agenda where we work closely with Totally Runable, Bike ability
KS2 Bike ability
Pupils within EYFS undertake daily physical exercise within a specialised external play area, including the recent development of the outdoor provision. They also have use of the fully equipped sports and school hall for structured activities at least once a week. Cross curricular links enable PE activities to take place during literacy and maths.
Key Stage 1
All pupils from Year 1 to 2 have at least 2 hours’ worth of planned physical exercise each week. Our Sports Leader plans and delivers lessons focussing on the development of the children’s fundamental movement skills (motor skills, object control and stability).
Key Stage 2
All pupils from Year 3 to 6 have at least 2 hours’ worth of planned physical exercise each week. Children in Year 4 participate in 10 sessions of swimming lessons to enable them to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters. Pupils continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching. These skills are incorporated into competitive games including competitions within the Trust, locally, nationally and through Team Active. Children in Year 6 are given the opportunity to take part in Outdoor Adventurous Activity during a 4-night residential visit to Condover Hall.
All children at West Meadows Primary School receive a broad and balanced PE curriculum regardless of year group or ability. Every child access all the key areas of the subject on offer at our school. Our Sports Leader plans PE with clear progression of skills and knowledge that we have devised as part of our curriculum offer to ensure that all children access it at an age appropriate level. Competitions ensure our children can take part in a range of sports both in and outside of school whether that be at a competitive or non-competitive level. The school is very much part of the FA where the children take part in national competitions. This includes Hoyland Sports Partnership where the children compete in around 60 competitions per year, these include elite level sports as well as inclusive friendly matches.
At West Meadows Primary School, we have developed a comprehensive range of sporting opportunities, in school, across schools and in extra-curricular groups such as: multi-skills, boys & girls’ football and daily after school clubs.
‘At West Meadows Primary School, we are incredibly proud of our sporting achievements through inter school competitions as we have won a wide range of competitions including EIS and KS1 winter Olympics and KS2 Athletics, Cross Country, Gymnastics and Handball including many more!’
KS2 Dance
KS2 Athletics
KS2 Football League Team
‘Knowledge is knowing more and remembering more’
Formative assessment is ongoing throughout each lesson. It judges progress and enables the teacher to make flexible adaptations to their planned teaching.
Through this regular ongoing assessment, tasks are matched to the ability of each child through differentiated activities, adult support, thus providing a level of challenge that is stimulating for pupils and questioning skills.
KS1 Invasion Games Fs1 Y1 Y2 Theme organiser
KS1 Striking and Fielding Fs1 Y1 Y2 Theme organiser
Y1-Y6 Athletics theme organiser
Y3- Y6 Tag Rugby Theme organiser
Y3- Y6 Tennis Theme organisers
Y3-Y6 Football Theme organiser
Y3-Y6 Rounders Theme organiser
Y12Net and Wall Theme organiser
Developing Fundamental Movement Skills
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